


Prefects are groups of outstanding pupils considered leaders and positive role-models for their peers. In this collection, you may find photos of prefects.



Collection Items

Prefects 1988
Standing, left to right: Francisco Muñoz, Lina Meruane, Max Campos,Paula Aleman, Juan Pablo Partarrieu, Carolina Valenzuela, Cristian Marin, Maria Paola del Rio, Paul Davis, Claudia Ortega, Martin Mujica, Madeleine Manzur, Alejandro Baeza.

Prefects 1999
Photo of 1999 prefects together with Mr.Mackenzie and Mr.Cowan.

Prefects 1967
1967 prefect photo. Just boys in those days.

Prefects 1978
Prefects of year 1978, together with Headmaster Mr. Varley and Mr. Cowan.

Girls Monitor Prep School 1978
Upper Prep monitors, leaders among their peers in 1978.

2020 Prefects in the Kitchen
2020 prefects were invited to a session in the kitchen. Accompanied by the SMT, pupils learnt how to bake.

IMG.1: Group photo of prefects. From left to right: C. Manzur, M. Saez, J. Fischer, M. Gatica, S. Donoso, A. Benitez, S. Ali-Shah, A. Borda,…

Prep Colour Captains 1979
Upper Prep Colour Captains in 1979.

John Jackson Memorial
Prefects accompanied by Mr. Jung and Mr. Planella visit the original location of The Grange School, for Founder's Day. Head Boy and Head Girl in those days were Domingas Picó and Sebastiásn Delorenzo. Male prefects are Raimundo Manzur, Andrés…

Prefects 2019
Prefects take a photo on the balcony of the John JAckson building, all wearing their poppies. Head Boy Nicolás Müller is standing on the right. To his left is Stefano Arata, Samuel Jana, Pedro Cisternas, Ignacio Muñóz, Tomas Fischer. Abajo, de…
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