


This collection gathers objects and artefacts of interest, such as books, newspaper, balls, trofies, etc.


The Senior Library

Collection Items

El Mercurio, January 31, 1933
Newspaper cover of January 31, 1933. Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the German Government

El Mercurio January 2, 1959
Newspaper cover showing the Cuban crisis. Ex Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista seeks refuge in República Dominicana.

El Mercurio, November 10, 1989
Cover of Friday 10 November, 1989, showing the fall of the Berlin wall.

El Mercurio, June 29, 1968
Newspaper cover of June 29, 1968, showing the first heart transplant in Chile.

The Downing Street Years by Margaret Thatcher
Book written by Margaret Thatcher. During her visit in 1994, she autogrphed the book.

IMG.1: Book cover

IMG.2: Preface

IMG.2: Autograph
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