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All the family, Jean being John's wife and Wendy, John, Victoria and David being John's Jackson children.

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TECHAR logo of pilars. These pillars were designed in 2012 when pupils and staff met to discuss the fundamental values of The Grange School. As a result, we have The Grange School pillars.

2016 LP Staff photograph

Aerial photograph that shows the John Jackson Building (main), Georgina Cooper Building, Infermery, water container, and more of it's surroundings.

We can assume this was shot in a time where the capilla, swimming pool and the MAD did not…

Steeplechase is a race introduced in Chile by John A.S. Jackson at the Grange since the early 30s, and kept as atradition to this present date.

Photo of school campus taken from buildings on Avenida Ossa, in winter of 2009.

Boxing used to be a sport developed and practiced at The Grange.

IMG.1: Pupils walk towards the boxing ring.

IMG.2: Pupil in his corner prepares to box. Sergio de Castro Spikula.

IMG.3: Pupils in action.

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1967 prefect photo. Just boys in those days.

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In the 70s, The Grange pupils celebrated an annual kermesse where there were "carros alegóricos" and princesses.

IMG.1: Carro alegórico

IMG.2: 1978 Princess: Antonia Subercaseaux

Group photo of whole school at Pedro de Valdivia house, known as Villa Ángela, in 1929. Mr. John Jackson, Jean Jackson, Captain Balfour and Mrs. Balfour in the photo.
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