Browse Items (146 total)

Book published by Origo Ediciones on behalf of The Grange School which narrates the history and accounts of the success of the institution.

IMG.1:Book cover

IMG.2: Preface

IMG.3: Preface continued

IMG.4: Book editorial information…

In June 2023, a group of A-Level Physics and Chemestry pupils visited the nuclear centre in La Reina. The experience was incredibly educational.

IMG1.: Goup photo of pupils and teachers
IMG.2: Nuclear reactor
IMG.3: Pupils receiving…

In 2016, HRM Prince Edward of England, Earl of Wessex, visited The Grange School. The purpose of the trip was to inaugurate the plaque of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award.

IMG1: HRH Prince Edward accompanied by Head Girl Trinidad…

During the world pandemic, in December 2020, The Grnge School music departments from all levels organised a virtual Christmas concert. Among pupils and staff of the School, we acknowledge Miss Lulú Corcuera, Mis María Gracia Vera, Miss Andrea…

In late March 2023, The Grange School was invited to participate in an invitational at Rugby School, Warwickshire, where the game was invented. A group of our best senior rugby players represented our School, showing pride and bravery on the pitch.…

Video conmemorating the death of old grangonian students that formed part of the john jackson educational foundation (JJEF) and passed away anywhere in between 2019 to 2021. This video was created to show at a private JJEF assembly in april 2021 to…

Aniversario N° 57 del Grange School 1985

Garden and house building which took place in Campamento Dignidad, between La Florida and Peñalolén areas, in Santiago. The challenge took 4 days with the cooperation of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and OGs to complete the task. Watch additional video here.

John Jackson Building
The resources in this item are related to the John Jackson Building, which was previously and initially called The New Building.
The first stone was laid on the 21st of August, 1937, and was finished in 1938.

First school magazine ever published, in Easter, winter and summer of 1937. In those days, the Gryphon was a magazine with articles, news, information of interest, even puzzles. It wasn't a yearbook as we know it today.

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