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Logo celebrating 45 years of Coeducation, from 1971 where girls first came to school from Danalaster

All the family, Jean being John's wife and Wendy, John, Victoria and David being John's Jackson children.

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Photo of school campus taken from buildings on Avenida Ossa, in winter of 2009.

Boxing used to be a sport developed and practiced at The Grange.

IMG.1: Pupils walk towards the boxing ring.

IMG.2: Pupil in his corner prepares to box. Sergio de Castro Spikula.

IMG.3: Pupils in action.

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The Gryphon Hall is the name of the recently refurbished dining hall, which was previously known as The José Donoso Resource Centre. The latter closed in 2016 and reopened in 2019 as a dining hall with the capacity to feed Upper and Senior…

Institutional video created for the 90 years conmemoration of our Founder, Mr. John A. S. Jackson. WATCH HERE.

John Jackson Building
The resources in this item are related to the John Jackson Building, which was previously and initially called The New Building.
The first stone was laid on the 21st of August, 1937, and was finished in 1938.
Los Anhelos, writes to the Grange School and collaborators thanking for their contributions towards the opening of their open center (centro abierto).

First school magazine ever published, in Easter, winter and summer of 1937. In those days, the Gryphon was a magazine with articles, news, information of interest, even puzzles. It wasn't a yearbook as we know it today.


This webpage presents the members of the Senior Management Team and Board members.
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