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Prince of Wales Edward VIII
In 1931, HRH the Prince of Wales Edward VIII, who would later become King, visited The Grange School located in Pedro de Valdivia. He was received by Headmaster John A.S. Jackson and the pupils of the School.

Literary magazine created by the Spanish Dept. with works created by pupils throughout the year.

Click on the hyperlink below to view.

Class photo of 4th medio A during the global pandemic and shutdown in 2020, when school was online.

2EM-A 2019
Class photo of 2nd medio A in 2019.

John Jackson Building
The resources in this item are related to the John Jackson Building, which was previously and initially called The New Building.
The first stone was laid on the 21st of August, 1937, and was finished in 1938.

Margaret Thatcher visits The Grange School in 1996, with the purpose of inaugurating the Thatcher Building for Lower Prep.

IMG.1: Margaret Thatcher autographs book witter by her called Downing Street Years.

IMG.2: Margaret Thatcher visits the…

John Jackson prays for the Lord's blessing upon the School, continued by the Lord's Prayer.
Video that summarizes the history of The Grange School since its beginning.

In November 1968, HRM Queen Elizabeth II visits Chile on an official tour during President Frei Montalva's presidency. during her visit, she visited The Grange School.

IMG.1: HRM Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh being welcomed.

Los Anhelos, writes to the Grange School and collaborators thanking for their contributions towards the opening of their open center (centro abierto).
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