Browse Items (146 total)

Group photo of 1967 4th básico Prep class.

Differente Upper Prep group photos.

Annual sport teams photos.

IMG.1: Cricket team

IMG.2: Hockey team

IMG.3: Rugby 1957

IMG.4: Rugby 1958

In order to begín religion lessons at The Grange, Mr. Jackson contacted the local archbishop for their support in requesting permission to the Vatican.
Pupils initially attended religion at Anunciación Church. When The Grange School moved to it's…

Letters from John Jackson to John Scott, inviting him to work at the Grange School.

IMG.1: Letter from J. Jackson inviting his nephew J. Scott to work at The Grange. (1952)

IMG.2: Reply from J. Scott to Mr. Jackson accepting his offer.…

School magazine published by a group of pupils in 1972. The magazine included articles on current events from those days, as also a report of the student council, named Federación Única de Estudiantes Particulares (F.U.E.P.).
The directors of the…

In 2016, The Grange School English Debate Team won the prestigious ESU Debate tournament. Below is the comment which was sent through the Weekly Bulletin.

"We are proud to announce that last Saturday The Grange School won the English Speaking…

Document received in 2022 by Humberto Garbarino Silva, which recounts Grange Staff up to the year 2000, aprox.

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Prefects take a photo on the balcony of the John JAckson building, all wearing their poppies. Head Boy Nicolás Müller is standing on the right. To his left is Stefano Arata, Samuel Jana, Pedro Cisternas, Ignacio Muñóz, Tomas Fischer. Abajo, de…

After the success of Mamma Mia, towards the end of 2019, the Drama team prepared Grease as their show of the year. It was played during the second week of 2019. The riots of October 2019 in Chile caused the last show to be cancelled.
2020 generation…

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