Browse Items (146 total)

Class photo of 4th medio A during the global pandemic and shutdown in 2020, when school was online.

Filmed by Rodrigo Arbat, this digitized 10 mm film shows pupils playing rugby and ftbol. In the background, we see The New Building and The Assembly Hall. WATCH HERE.

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Revista literaria que contiene material creado por miembros de la comunidad Grange durante el año.

Literary magazine created by the Spanish Dept. with works created by pupils throughout the year.

Click on the hyperlink below to view.

Spanish Dept. literary magazine publishe in 2022, which contains the works of pupils and other interesting articles.

2019 version of The Grange School Institutional Educational Project, which announces the mission and direction the School is taking towards the future, based on its principles and values embraced by its founder.

Rules and norms that are imposed by the authorities of The Grange School, with the purpose of achieving its mission.

Book published by Origo Ediciones on behalf of The Grange School which narrates the history and accounts of the success of the institution.

IMG.1:Book cover

IMG.2: Preface

IMG.3: Preface continued

IMG.4: Book editorial information…

John Jackson prays for the Lord's blessing upon the School, continued by the Lord's Prayer.
Video that summarizes the history of The Grange School since its beginning.
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